Production will increase the possibility of earthquakes - Welcome to Exploenergy

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Production will increase the possibility of earthquakes

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From the existing literature and case histories, international authorities and scientific forums, there is no direct connection between the production of gas in marginal relatively shallow reservoirs and earthquakes.
The same ICHESE Commission (International Commission on Hydrocarbon Exploration and Seismicity in the Emilia Region) reports that: "It is believed that the indications of the present Guidelines should not apply in case of marginal production of dry gas and oil from depth shallower than 2,000m. Since activities run in such specific conditions are not sufficient to induce significant variation in the monitored parameters."
Marginal production reservoir is considered when in the range of 300 million standard cubic meters of gas.  

Nevertheless, should the micro-seismic network monitoring be requested as a pre-requisite, Exploenergy will consider its implementation.

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