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The permit, covering an area of 435.7 sqkm, is located East of Ferrara in which county it mainly lies and partly in Bologna and Modena.
Intensive exploration activities run by Eni in the area brought to several discoveries: gas in Ravenna Terra, Alfonsine, Dosso degli Angeli, Sabbioncello, Tresigallo, S. Potito, San Pietro in Casale, and oil discovery in Cavone.
The knowledge of the area is quite good, however seismic interpretation and geological studies are required to further define and de-
The Ministry of Environment has approved the project and the Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico asked Regione Emilia Romagna to release their agreement (Intesa). This is the last step to obtain the Exploration Permit by Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico.